Selected Projects


Watershed Restoration Research - Woodchip-based Bioreactors

In collaboration with US EPA Office of Research and Development, US Geological Survey, The Nature Conservancy, the Town of Barnstable and the Barnstable Clean Water Coalition, this project is testing several nature-based technologies to reduce nutrient loads.

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Wellfleet Targeted Watershed Management Plan – Town of Wellfleet, MA

As a consultant to the Town of Wellfleet, adaptive management plans were developed using integrated non-traditional and traditional nutrient reduction technologies.

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River Restoration for the Atlantic Salmon

As a consultant to the United States Army Corps of Engineers and State of Maine, Scott designed and implemented a hydrologic study of river systems in northeastern Maine to assess the relative impacts of various water users including irrigation pumping associated with the blueberry industry on local flow regimes.

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Nicaragua Source Water Protection Project

As a consultant to EPA, Scott conducted a two-year case study of three Nicaraguan communities to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of local public drinking water supplies.

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Innovative Wastewater and Storm Water Technologies, State of Hawaii

In collaboration with the State of Hawaii, Scott developed a course manual and provided workshops on innovative water technologies.

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Smart Growth and Smart Energy Toolkit, Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental and Energy Affairs (EEA)

Scott served as a consultant to the EEA to design an outreach tool for local governments and the development community.

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