Watershed Restoration Plans
The capability of land to support land uses within a watershed is directly related to the assimilative capacity of the receiving waters. Scott has developed innovative approaches to document the hydrologic framework of the watershed, to evaluate impacts associated with land uses, and to identify sustainable restoration techniques.
Expert Witness
Our belief is that expert testimony must start with a clear understanding of the foundational science and be based upon well-referenced facts and case studies. With educational skills and widely recognized credibility, Horsley Consulting provides a clear and sound scientific foundation in support of water resources cases in state and federal courts.
Training & Seminars
Looking to facilitate a training or educational webinar with stakeholders on your project? We can lead and facilitate one-time seminars or a series of trainings around your water resource that ensures all team members have a foundational understanding of the topics at hand.
Hydrologic Assessments & Water Quality Impact Assessment
Groundwater is one of the more elusive aspects of water resources, and follows its own set of rules. With a robust understanding of these processes, we develop through assessments of groundwater changes and sources of pollutants? [what more do we want to say here?]
Stormwater and Wastewater Management
Is your town or watershed experiencing water quality issues associated with stormwater or sewage? We can develop a tailored approach to your challenges leveraging green infrastructure principles and nature-based solutions. [could flesh this out more]
Who we work with?
Conservation and Restoration NGOs from local land trusts like the Barnstable Clean Water Coalition to international organizations like The Nature Conservancy.
Federal and State Agencies such as the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers & the Town of Wellfleet and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
Law Firms and Private Partners
International Development Banks from the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Inter-American Development Bank